8 Month Old Baby Sleep and Feeding Schedule
By 8 months, many babies are ready to move to a 2 nap schedule! The two nap schedule requires longer wake windows and some tweaks to your feeding schedule. Continue reading for more information on your 8 month old’s day, including:
Recommendations for sleep and feeding for 8 month old babies
Suggested total sleep and wake windows for 8 month old babies
A sample schedule for 8 month olds
Sleep and Feeding Recommendations for 8 Month Old Baby
The transition to two naps can come with a temporary rocky period as baby adjusts to longer wake windows. During this transition, if the second nap of the day ends early, you can either attempt a short catnap in the late afternoon (even 10-15 minutes can help bridge the gap to bedtime), or offer an earlier bedtime to limit overtiredness.
Most 8 month old babies can comfortable sleep through the night (10-12 hours) without a feeding! This is a great time to night wean if you wish to do so, or you can continue to offer a feeding in the last third of the night (after 3:00 am) if this works well for your family.
Total sleep per day: 14 hours
Wake Windows: 2.75-3.5
Continue to offer breastmilk or formula (6 oz) every 4 hours, 5-6 times per day. 8 month old babies should also be offered 2-3 solid meals per day with an additional snack or two.
Sample Schedule for 8 Month Old
The schedule below is an example containing averages. It is not meant to be followed exactly as every baby is different, and parents will typically need to make adjustments to balance actual wake times, nap lengths, hunger cues, and sleepy signs.
By 8 months of age, many healthy babies are comfortable sleeping through the night and will actually start to do so on their own! If this is sounding impossible for your family right now, I encourage you to visit www.summitslumber.co, or get started with a “Two Weeks to Sleep” Package.