12-14 Month Old Baby Sleep Schedule
Hopefully your little one continues to have two great naps each day, and enjoying restful nights too! Continue reading for more information on your one year old’s day, including:
Sleep recommendations for 12-14 month old babies
Suggested total sleep and wake windows for 12-14 month old babies
A sample schedule for 12-14 month olds
Sleep and Feeding Recommendations for 12-14 Month Old Baby
Even your toddler is occasionally refusing a nap or taking a short nap, don’t let them fool you into thinking they are ready for one nap a day yet! Switching to one nap too early can lead to a lot of overtiredness; a toddler needs to be ready to go from 3-4 hours of wakefulness to 5-6 hours--that’s a huge change! That being said, many toddlers in this age range can and do handle the transition to one nap.
Babies may be weaned from breastmilk/formula around 12 months of age. Start with one feeding at a time and take a few days to wean each feeding.
If your baby is resisting one or more naps at this age, try adding 15 minutes to the wake window to help build sleep pressure. We want to keep your little one napping twice a day for just a bit longer. However, some babies do just fine with one nap at this age, which is good because sometimes daycare requires it!
Total sleep per day: 13-13.5 hours
Wake Windows: 3-4 hours
Offer your 1 year old 3 meals a day plus a couple of snacks. Continue to offer breastmilk/formula as desired and when ready to wean, do so slowly, one feeding at a time.
Sample Sleep and Feeding Schedule for 12-14 Month Old
The schedule below is an example containing averages. It is not meant to be followed exactly as every baby is different, and parents will typically need to make adjustments to balance actual wake times, nap lengths, and sleepy signs.
It’s not too late to sleep train or to start working on better sleep habits! If you need guidance on how to accomplish this, help is available at www.summitslumber.co, or get started with a “Two Weeks to Sleep” Package.